Thursday, August 23, 2012

Waiting to do it...SO exciting!!!

Today has been BUSY! I can not believe how much stuff just seems to creep out of the woodwork that you just HAVE to do. And my daughter is only 6! And I only have one child! I watch moms with teenagers and older children and they are literally running all day because the older the children get, the more involved they are. But, to be fair to me (ha ha), we only have one car, so that is part of the reason for the craziness. On days where I need the car, I have to chauffer my husband, as well as run errands. Anyway, not complaining, I have just been wanting to blog today and NO TIME. I have time! So, here's the next scoop: I was talking with a friend the other day about how worried I've been about the expense of IVF.

Oh wait, let me interject here really, I know I've talked about reservations and not really feeling a tug to have more kids. Let me know how some women are like, "I just feel there are more children we are supposed to have." etc. etc.? Well, THAT'S what I was talking about. I've never had that experience. Maybe it's because I've always wanted a lot of kids that it hasn't been necessary for God to prompt that special feeling in me. I don't know. But, I definitely did have the feeling, while we were talking to our fertility doctor about our lab results, that if we pressed forward with IVF that it WOULD work. And that right there made me very happy. The only thing is that this particular fertility doctor we have been seeing does one IVF cycle for $13,500 or four cycles for $27,500. Yeah, hello EXPENSIVE! Okay, back to our regularly scheduled blog...

So, I'm talking to my friend about all this, and while we were talking she just says, "Have you gotten a blessing?" I had two reactions: 1) "Oh! Um, no actually." and 2) DUH! I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of that sooner. So I ask Chris if he'll give me one, and it was really interesting because it was very clear that we should not worry about the money and we should press forward. It was so wonderful because it really kind of erased all those feelings of doubt about my one stressor (money). And then I had several friends post about other options after my last blog, which was a huge help! (Thanks ladies!!!)

So, here's the new "thing" if you will. In order for me to go to my fertility doctor, my OB/GYN had to refer me to him/her. So, of course, he sent me to this first doctor that I've already told you charges an arm and a leg. Plus, important to note, our insurance won't pay any of the IVF with this particular doctor. (And let me just say, for the record, that it is TOTALLY this doctor's prerogative to charge what he wants. I am not of the mindset that you have to give away your talents or services for free just because people don't have money. He is a talented doctor and I know he would be successful in helping us, in which case, he deserves to be paid what he feels he's worth by anyone who wants to go to him.) So, although it's taken us a while to get to this point, both Chris and I thought (especially in light of all your comments, too) that we should maybe check into other doctors or avenues.

So, I was (rather difficultly, I might add) able to get my OB to refer me to someone else. He wasn't going to, so I had to resort to name dropping. I know, I'm so ashamed, but there it is. So, I've now called and I have an appointment scheduled with this new doc on Sept. 6. And I am actually quite anxious (in a good way) because I'm hoping that she will have good news, insurance/finances-wise, for us.

But, to end, the way it goes is this: I was walking with a friend this morning and I felt this wave come over me. We ARE going to have another baby (if we're lucky, babies) and something in this journey has grounded me and dispelled the heavy doubts of "OMGosh, but how are we going to do this?" And what it has left me with is just...excitement. I know it's going to happen and I'm just so excited to hurry up and get going!


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