Thursday, October 4, 2012

The not-so-clever ramblings of a dehydrated mother...

I have an appointment!!! It's on Monday but I'm going to see if there is any way to do it tomorrow. Chris has a 4-day weekend (yeehaw!) so tomorrow would work great since Mari will be in school. So I'll call first thing in the never know, someone may have canceled.

So that's the news, but I thought I'd digress for a moment. Mari has started riding her bike to school. This is a big deal in our house...she has been begging for weeks to be a "bike rider." She's tired of being a "walker." It's a little comical and sad at the same time because snow season is fast approaching. Oops. I should have let her do it sooner but I'm a nervous wreck about this stuff. Plus, a bike lock no longer exists that 7-yr old hands can manage. Whatever happened to those skinny wire things you could wrap around your bike and then put a padlock on? Or those flimsy chain locks covered in plastic that had combination dials on them? I only have to keep 10-year olds from stealing her bike. Pretty sure none of them are packing wire cutters. So all that I've been able to find are these massive coiled cables with combination locks. They are heavy and you can't stretch those cables without breaking a sweat! Good grief. Oh well, not a dilemma but I digress. So, I wasn't letting Mari ride her bike for that reason, until I noticed NOBODY locks their bike. Oh. Then I felt bad. So Mari rides now, but it's not going to last long. Lol! Poor thing.

And right now I have a headache because I don't drink water like I should. I go through phases, 3 weeks of good H2O drinking and then 1 week where I peter out. Then the headache hits. Anyone beginning to think I'm not very healthy? SHHHHH. It's not true. I'm totally healthy...I just don't take care of myself like I should. Again, no judging. :)

Okay, I think that's enough rambling. Hopefully I'll get this appointment tomorrow, but if not, I still have my appointment Monday which is my next blog day, so I will DEFINITELY have news that day. I hope it's "moving forward" kind of news. Talk at ya later!


1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you had a blog! Great to keep up with you Lori! <3
