Monday, October 22, 2012

6 more days...such a nail biter

So, I am really worried I'm NOT pregnant. I mean, HOW do you have 10 eggs and not get pregnant?! I still have until the end of this week before I take a test, but I'm starting to feel really skeptical and a little upset. I think the term I'm searching for here is, "Meh!" (courtesy of Beaker from the Muppets)

Sorry, I'm a little negative...I just needed to vent. :) lol. It helps me feel I'm taking control. Yes, complaining is something I can I do it on occasion :p

But seriously, I'm also anxious about the whole thing. Not to mention I'm anxious about the state of our country, as well as a plethora of other things we have going on in our life. Right now, Chris is off at training (training for deployment, which he will do in, in 4 months) in California until mid-ish November and I've recently taken on being part of a PTO. I'm on the board of the organization, so I feel like I spend more time stressing over PTO stuff than I spend actually getting things done. Lol!

Anyway, I will just determine right now that, no matter what, it's okay if I'm not pregnant and, if not, that will get us that much closer to figuring out a better way. Although, the farther I get down this road the more I feel like I don't really want to do IVF, regardless. Not sure why. But it's just a thought at this point.

All right, until later!


Monday, October 15, 2012

Probably literally a baker's dozen!

So right now I have a "better than sex" cake beginning in the oven. And I have to say I think I take issue with that right now. :D Mostly because I know that the only thing "better than..." for me, at this point, is making babies, emphasis on the "babies" part.

Anyway, so we have quite the news! (Nope, not pregnant on.) I went to my appointment this last Friday morning and the doctor did another ultrasound and he found 6 perfect follicles (ie. eggs) in my ovaries! Yay! Well, in order to make the eggs drop (or ovulate) they gave me this syringe of a medicine called Ovidrel (sp?). You give yourself the shot and then you wait about 12 hours and then you can try. So my doctor said that I could go home and give myself the shot and then between the 12-36 hours window later we could start trying.

So I came home and Chris gave me the shot and we were like, "Okay...well, no getting off now!" Since Chris is leaving soon (this Wed) we really felt like this was a good thing because now we weren't rushed. Well, 2 hours later I get a call from the doctor's office. The nurse tells me that I need to wait to take the shot because my blood test came back and my levels (levels of what, I'm not sure) are really high. Of course, I tell her, "Uh...little late!" (lol) So she says she'll call the doctor and then call me back.

Well, the doctor called me back like 2 seconds later and explains to me that basically each egg has a level (again with this level thing...) of 150-200 and my levels are over 2000! So we're talking 10 eggs or more! Which is considerably more than he had seen or supposed that morning. Soooooooo, we had a nice long talk about repurcussions and choices and what if's, etc. etc., but ultimately he left the decision up to us, with a strong recommendation to wait. I know! Talk about disappointing!

So, I called my mom and I talked to some girlfriends...(hey! I'm a girl. It's what we do...) and everyone was, of course, supportive. Then I called Chris and we chatted, but it wasn't until I got home that we threw around our thoughts. Chris was leaning towards going ahead anyway, but I kept waffling and doing the freak out thing because, let's face it, I'm not interested in dropping a litter.

Well, that night I realized that, you know, if I couldn't decide what to do, that I should err on the side of the doctor's opinion to wait. I told Chris, he was okay with it (but not excited) so we didn't try at the 12 hour mark.

The next morning, however, I woke up feeling a little calmer about it. My mom had told us to pray about it and I realized that maybe I should get a blessing. (Duh! I always forget about that.) So Chris gave me one and it was pretty clear that it was okay to try. It's so interesting how the atmosphere changes between us (me and Chris), and probably every other couple on the planet, when you're trying to get pregnant and there's a really good chance that it will actually happen. Needless to say, Chris was so sweet to me all day, like I actually was pregnant. And I'll admit,...I kind of liked it! :)

So, now it's a waiting game. In about two weeks I'll take a pregnancy test and get back to you! Well, I'll blog between now and then because something will surely come up, but I won't know anything for another two weeks. If I had my choice, and I know this sounds crazy, I think I'd like this to be my last pregnancy and have twins or triplets. I know, I said I knew it sounded crazy, but...I just want babies SO BAD!

Anyway, we shall see...stay tuned!


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Gimme an "F!"

OMGosh...late last night I remembered that I was supposed to blog on Monday. I swear...I SHOULD be pregnant for as absent-minded as I feel. I've started being part of the PTO here and it's a lot of work. There is something to do just about every day, it amazes me. I think that's part of why I'm more scattered.

But anyway, as wonderful as it would be if I were pregnant all of a sudden (and it stuck), alas, I am not. BUT, I did end up getting an appointment for last Friday, instead of Monday, which was truly fortuitous because I cycled that day. (Sorry, if there are any guys who read this.)

So,  on Friday the doctor had all my records (finally), I got an ultra-sound and a blood draw, and we started a "plan" for baby making. Woohoo! She's started me on Follistrum (sp?) shots, which is straight FSH. We are bypassing the Clomed (sp?) route altogether and just going for it! So, I started the shots on Saturday and, I'm not really one for shots so it freaked me out a little to do them on myself, but this needle is SO tiny that I can't even feel it. That's so strange to me. I keep expecting it to hurt.

Anyway, I went back in yesterday (Wednesday) for another ultra-sound and blood draw so she could check how my body is accepting the medicine and my follicles are growing (Yay! "F" is for follicles!!)...almost a little too much, in fact. So she decreased my dosage and I go in again this Friday for another ultra-sound and blood draw. We will be ready to "try" in a few days. Chris is actually leaving in about a week for a whole month (I know, right!) so we are just barely going to squeak it in this month. It would be nice if we had the full 3 days to try, but I'm really grateful for at least one day. All things considering, I'm not overly optimistic anything will happen this month, but when he comes home he will be back JUST IN TIME to try again next month. So, there's a blessing in there, I think.

Okay, so that's the news and I think I'll set an alarm in my phone for Monday! Lol!!!


Thursday, October 4, 2012

The not-so-clever ramblings of a dehydrated mother...

I have an appointment!!! It's on Monday but I'm going to see if there is any way to do it tomorrow. Chris has a 4-day weekend (yeehaw!) so tomorrow would work great since Mari will be in school. So I'll call first thing in the never know, someone may have canceled.

So that's the news, but I thought I'd digress for a moment. Mari has started riding her bike to school. This is a big deal in our house...she has been begging for weeks to be a "bike rider." She's tired of being a "walker." It's a little comical and sad at the same time because snow season is fast approaching. Oops. I should have let her do it sooner but I'm a nervous wreck about this stuff. Plus, a bike lock no longer exists that 7-yr old hands can manage. Whatever happened to those skinny wire things you could wrap around your bike and then put a padlock on? Or those flimsy chain locks covered in plastic that had combination dials on them? I only have to keep 10-year olds from stealing her bike. Pretty sure none of them are packing wire cutters. So all that I've been able to find are these massive coiled cables with combination locks. They are heavy and you can't stretch those cables without breaking a sweat! Good grief. Oh well, not a dilemma but I digress. So, I wasn't letting Mari ride her bike for that reason, until I noticed NOBODY locks their bike. Oh. Then I felt bad. So Mari rides now, but it's not going to last long. Lol! Poor thing.

And right now I have a headache because I don't drink water like I should. I go through phases, 3 weeks of good H2O drinking and then 1 week where I peter out. Then the headache hits. Anyone beginning to think I'm not very healthy? SHHHHH. It's not true. I'm totally healthy...I just don't take care of myself like I should. Again, no judging. :)

Okay, I think that's enough rambling. Hopefully I'll get this appointment tomorrow, but if not, I still have my appointment Monday which is my next blog day, so I will DEFINITELY have news that day. I hope it's "moving forward" kind of news. Talk at ya later!


Monday, October 1, 2012

I am a terrible blogger...

I am the single WORST blogger in the world!!!!!!! I really haven't had any new news because that doctor's office never did send my lab results. Seriously? Yeah! And I know some of you said to go down there, but we have one car and, while my schedule would permit me to spend however long it took to do that, my husband's and my daughter's don't. And I figure if I'm going to get nasty, I'm going to be justified when I do.

So, anyway I went ahead and called my new doctor today to see if they had received all my stuff and NOPE, they hadn't. The receptionist said she would call them to see what was up. But I went ahead and called them too and left a very polite, scathing message since they didn't pick up. JERKS! I was calm, but I think you could hear the edge in my voice (which I did on purpose). Plus, I insinuated very underhandedly that they were unprofessional pigs. But, I was very nice the whole time. (I rather enjoy doing it that way...but only to people who deserve it of course.)

Anyway, I actually had more than a couple people comment about my lack of blog...eeks! So, yes, I suck. And my friend who coached me on this whole blogging thing to begin with told me, "Whatever you do, you HAVE to keep up with your blogging schedule. If you start blogging everyday, you gotta keep up. If you blog once a week, you better stick to it." Ugh...I know, right? I double suck. :( But I think I'll get over it. (Bwahahaha)

So, moving onward and upward...Did I tell you that my new doctor put me on a new diet? >snort< Like THAT is going to work! So, yeah, she put me on the no carb thing, but if I HAD to have them (carbs), I should choose whole grain stuff. YUMMY... So, I figure, pototoes don't come with a whole grain option, so I'm pretty sure she wasn't talking about those. DON'T YOU JUDGE ME!!!!! ...I am trying to stick with it, but after a couple of weeks or so I was starting to get, like, faint with no carbs. Um, I thought you were supposed to feel better on a diet? Whatever. I mean, I know, I should be grateful because now I can have my fill of bacon (and not just turkey bacon, people...the REAL DEAL!!) and actually feel good about myself, plus she could have put me on a diet of barley and cabbage (>gag<), but it's still hard. I SAID DON'T JUDGE ME. :D

Well, I'll sign out for now and I promise I will blog on Thursday!!!! Love ya all!!!